Luglio 2021
Artelia Day

Many years ago, I worked for my parents who own a video production company. Because it is a family business, you inevitably end up wearing many hats and being the czar of many…

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29 giugno 2021
MAP Festival – Talk “Le città creative”

Many years ago, I worked for my parents who own a video production company. Because it is a family business, you inevitably end up wearing many hats and being the czar of many…

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28 giugno 2021
Coesione è Competizione. Nuove geografie della produzione di valore in Italia. Focus Lombardia

Many years ago, I worked for my parents who own a video production company. Because it is a family business, you inevitably end up wearing many hats and being the czar of many…

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23 giugno 2021
Quinto dialogo su “Architettura urbana e spazi verdi”

Many years ago, I worked for my parents who own a video production company. Because it is a family business, you inevitably end up wearing many hats and being the czar of many…

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15 giugno 2021
Rigenerare le città con le infrastrutture sociali

Many years ago, I worked for my parents who own a video production company. Because it is a family business, you inevitably end up wearing many hats and being the czar of many…

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15 giugno 2021
Green talk “Crossing the Future: the challenge for the new era”

Many years ago, I worked for my parents who own a video production company. Because it is a family business, you inevitably end up wearing many hats and being the czar of many…

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26 maggio 2021
Io sono cultura 2020 – focus Marche

Many years ago, I worked for my parents who own a video production company. Because it is a family business, you inevitably end up wearing many hats and being the czar of many…

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17 maggio 2021
65° Congresso Nazionale Ordine degli Ingegneri d’Italia

Many years ago, I worked for my parents who own a video production company. Because it is a family business, you inevitably end up wearing many hats and being the czar of many…

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23 aprile 2021
Premio architettura città di Oderzo 2020

Many years ago, I worked for my parents who own a video production company. Because it is a family business, you inevitably end up wearing many hats and being the czar of many…

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15 aprile 2021
Io sono cultura 2020 – focus Lombardia

Many years ago, I worked for my parents who own a video production company. Because it is a family business, you inevitably end up wearing many hats and being the czar of many…

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